Accessing Virtual Workspace from a Non-Fidelity Device

Virtual Workspace Initial Setup (Windows OS)

Requirement: Citrix Workspace App Software

Check to confirm if the Citrix Workspace App Software is installed.

  • Look in the lower right corner of the screen, in the Notification Area, to see if there is a target-looking Citrix Workspace App icon, as circled below.
  • If Citrix Workspace App is already installed, move to the next section.
  • If your Citrix icon does not match what is shown, an upgrade is recommended. To upgrade Workspace App follow the next step. Going forward, the software will automatically prompt you when an update is needed.
Citrix icon

To install/upgrade Citrix Workspace App (CWA):

(Note: CWA is required to be installed for most features to function. Not having CWA installed will default to Clientless HTML5 Citrix Client, which is for last resort use only.)

  • Please visit the Citrix website and the appropriate Citrix Workspace App for your specific device will be displayed. Install the software. Once the installation is complete your system will require a restart. If your system does not reboot automatically, please restart your system manually.

Zoom Software

Zoom Optimization from a personal device is not supported by Fidelity Zoom Team.

In order to connect your personal computer to Zoom on your HVD, the Zoom Universal Plugin Software must be installed on your personal computer after Citrix Workspace App.

Please confirm you are using Zoom Universal Plugin 6.0.11 when using the Zoom for VDI 6.0.11 on your HVD:

Zoom Universal Plugin for Windows 6.0.11 (Phone and Meetings)

Zoom on RemotePC: Fidelity has a use case where Citrix is used to access their Primary Desktop PC in their office. This is called RemotePC. In this use case, Zoom for VDI is not supported and the user must install Zoom for PC and ran from your personal device.

Virtual Workspace Initial Setup (IOS / Mac OS)

Requirement: Citrix Workspace App Software

Install the latest version of Citrix Workspace App Software.

    To install/upgrade Citrix Workspace App (CWA):

  • Please visit the Citrix website and the appropriate Citrix Workspace App for your specific device will be displayed. Install the software. Once the installation is complete your system will require a restart. If your system does not reboot automatically, please restart your system manually.

Zoom Software

Zoom Optimization is now available for MacOS on an as-is basis.

Please confirm you are using Zoom Universal Plugin 6.0.11 or lower when using the Zoom for VDI 6.0.11 on your HVD:

Zoom Universal Plugin for Mac 6.0.11

See: How do I configure a Mac device

Accessing ERA Virtual Workspace Portal

Using a Web Browser navigate to

Fidelity associates use Virtual Workspace section (right side) to select access.

Trusted Partner associates use Trusted Partner section (left side) to select access.

ERA Portal

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You will now be prompted for log-in information:

VW Login
  • Sign In:Enter Fidelity Email
  • Click Next
  • Enter the Password and Click Sign in
  • VW PWD
  • Approve the MFA
  • VW MFA
  • Stay Signed in? Click Yes

    You will now be sent to the Virtual Workspace internal portal.

    If prompted with this screen, select Detect Receiver and then select Open Citrix Workspace Launcher.

    CWA Detect

    If Citrix workspace App is already installed, click on Already installed otherwise Download CWA or click on Use light version.

    CWA AI/Download

    Navigating within the Virtual Workspace Portal

    Portal Tabs

    Once you are logged in, you will see one more tabs. Your list of tabs may vary.

    SF Tabs

    Launching a Virtual Desktop

    The Virtual Desktops(s) you have access to can be found under the DESKTOPS tab.

    Your list of icons will vary from what is shown below.

    Click on the desired icon to access your Virtual Desktop.

    Launching Virtual Desktop

    Virtual workspace will prompt for username and password, Provide your required domain credentials.

    For example: DOMAIN\#######

    Launching HVD Application

    Launching a Virtual Application

    Application icons can be found under the APPS tab.

    Your list of icons will vary from what is shown below.

    Click on the desired icon to access your Virtual Application.

    Launching Virtual Application

    How to End Virtual Desktop Sessions

    You have multiple options to end an active session:

    • Log off the Virtual Desktop: This action will close all applications, log off the Virtual Desktop, and will end this one session. If you launched other Virtual Desktops or Virtual Applications, they will remain running and active, so you may have to repeat this step for each session.
      • From within the Virtual Desktop, click the Start button and choose Log off.
    • Restart: Will shut down and restart your Virtual Workspace.
      • Click the Start button and choose Restart.
    • Disconnect: The connection to your Virtual Workspace will close while leaving all its applications running.
      • Close the current window by clicking the X in the top right corner to disconnect the session.
      • -OR- Click the Start button and choose the arrow key next to Log Off, then choose Disconnect.

    How to End Virtual Application Sessions

    You have multiple options to end an active session:

    • File | Exit within the Application: This action will close that individual application and end your session.
      • Within the Application Menu items, pull down File then select Exit.
    • Disconnect: This action disconnects your session to the application, while leaving it running on the remote machine.
      • Close the current window by clicking the X in the top right corner to disconnect the session.
      • Repeat this step for each Virtual Application that was launched.

    How to Change your Password - This feature is no longer available

    Call Techworks to update password.

    Troubleshooting Connection Problems

    1. Spinning icon or Website Error

    The first step to troubleshooting any issue is to start with a new browser session and try to launch icon again. Laptops are known to come out of hibernation with a stale StoreFront page still open. Either click on the browser refresh function or close your browser and start a new session.

    2. Prompted if you want to open or save an .ica file

    This is an indication that Citrix Workspace App is not installed.

    Fidelity device: Contact TechWorks.

    Personal device: Please visit the Citrix website and the appropriate Citrix Workspace App for your specific device will be displayed. Install the software. Once the installation is complete your system will require a restart. If your system does not reboot automatically, please restart your system manually.

    3. No icons or missing icons in Virtual Workspace Portal

    Ensure you are logging in with correct DOMAIN\Username

    Contact TechWorks.

    4. Connection Error

    Each icon has a Details link that can be used to access more information and functions.

      Details: Click the 'Details' link of the problematic Virtual Desktop icon.
    Problem connecting
      From this screen, you will see the name of the Virtual Desktop device and a Restart function. Restarting your Virtual Desktop may resolve a connection issue, but will also close down all applications and opened documents that are running. If you do not wish to restart, contact TechWorks for assistance to avoid a reboot - The Citrix Desktop Service may need restarting instead of a reboot. Clicking Restart will restart the Virtual Workspace. The restart process can take 5 to 10 minutes.

    Problem connecting

    5. CWA Auto-Update Fails for Windows

    Citrix has published a known auto-update issue that could affect personal devices.

    Auto-Update Error

    Best method to resolve: Uninstall Citrix Workspace App then install the latest version (see Virtual Workspace Initial Setup above).

    Reference: CTX289547.

    6. Contact Us

      If you are still experiencing connection issues, please call TechWorks.